In fast-paced summary since September 2009, much like the beginning of a West Wing episode, here are the highlights, with a surplus of exclamations and without many events that are worthy of inclusion:
Rest of 2009
- Melanie and Martin get married!
- Girl's weekend with Katie in Chicago
- Leavenworth Birthday Weekend!
- Mount Baker New Year's!
- Fun weddings
- Sweden and Denmark
- Couch racing and surprise sisters for Brian's 30th
- CC and Amy go to DC!
- Camping in Arizona and Utah
- Brian graduates!
- We go to Hawai'i! (the Big Island this time)
- We move to Zurich, Switzerland
Oh, perhaps we should expound on a few of those. Next time.
Wait...you moved to Switzerland?
Yes, Darcy sits next to you now. I know we look alike, but how could you not notice?
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